Baghalzadeh dairy

Nostalgic flavors and the pleasure of traditional authenticity

The current manager and brand heir of “Baghaladeh Dairy” were seeking a transformation in the brand’s style and operational context from classical and traditional to a more comprehensive and contemporary approach.


AliAsghar Baghalzadeh Shishegarkhane


Retail / Dairy


Baghalzadeh Dairy


Customer satisfaction Professionalism /Optimism / Honesty

Beginning of

2020 Spring

Current Manager

Ehsan Baghalzadeh

Raggina’s Approach To The Branding Project Of “Baghalzadeh Dairy”


Branding Consultation

Brand Strategy 

Tagline Development

Visual Identity Design 

Sonic Identity Creation Subsidiary Brand Strategy Development 

Subsidiary Brand Naming


Packaging Design and Execution

Website and E-commerce Store Design


Digital Promotion Campaign Strategy 

Instagram Marketing 

Advertising Campaign Design 

Online Sales Logistics Planning


What was the vision of Baghalzadeh brand?

The professional team at Raggina CreativeWorks, through needs assessment and understanding of the manager’s perspective, took on the responsibility of managing the brand’s direction for “Baghalzadeh Dairy” While preserving the brand’s authenticity, Raggina crafted the long-term branding vision for “Baghazadeh Dairy” by analyzing competitors, market dynamics, and the audience’s persona.


What is the role of Raggina’s team in this project?

Raggina’s creative and expert team, with a full understanding of the brand’s values and message, determined the strategic brand decisions. In other words, for identity creation and creating a desirable image in the minds of the audience, all essential elements of the brand, from product imagery and packaging to composing the brand’s music, were meticulously designed. With the brand strategy for “Baghalzadeh” being clarified, the vision, values, audience profile, and brand story were expertly crafted to the highest degree.

Creating a brand tagline conveys the brand’s commitment to its audience and defines the brand’s position. Given Baghalzadeh Dairy’s sincere century-long partnership with its customers, Raggina crafted the tagline “We are with you since 1300” for this brand. Through the creation of this tagline, the “Baghalzadeh Dairy” brand achieved a compelling and venerable image in the eyes of its audience.

Another brand in Raggina’s nest

Bronzeh Javid